Vision Statement
At Emyezweni we aim to manage a Pre-school of excellence. We want to raise happy, confident learners, not defined by their marginalised background, but rather as future leaders of SA.
Mission Statement
To provide an environment in which children can grow, develop, and realise their full potential academically, socially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We aim to enable the learners to grasp opportunities available to them in South Africa and further afield by means of education.
Background to our name
Initially, the school was called Nomfaneleko. Around 2003, God spoke to us about the pre-school being a “well-watered garden” from Jeremiah 31:12. Emyezweni is the Xhosa word for “In the Garden of Eden”, meaning a fruitful place where things grow and flourish. We believe this reflects our aims and values and is a prophetic statement about our children, staff, and the local community.
- All Gr R’s, and Pre-Gr R’s born Jan-June, are registered with the Western Cape Department of Education. For Gr Rs, the official Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) is followed, giving children skills and knowledge needed to enter primary school.
- Our Pre-school is registered with the Department of Social Development (DSD). The Pre-Gr R and Toddler classes follow the National Curriculum Framework (NCF).
- Both the WCED and DSD keep us accountable in terms of the quality of care and education that we provide for our children, as well as the management of money they fund us with.
- Urban Voice Church, under whose authority Emyezweni functions, as well as Heldercare, the organisation under which we are registered as an NPO, keep an additional eye on the management, as well as the overall “health” of our school.
- The School Governing Body has further oversight over the school.